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Many tea lover drink Yunnan teas for the unique character, rich, bold flavors and wild energy they impart to the drinker.. The Ancient Tree teas that grow in this region of South West China are revered as living ancestors and are said impart wisdom, strength and other positive virtues to its drinker.
Every month we offer a new selection of five premium, hand-picked and expertly processed teas - from white to fermented - that are grown without pesticides. Old tree Sheng and Shou puerhs are featured. Enjoy the naturally potent health benefits of Yunnan teas and enjoy a walk on the wild side.
Brewing instructions, descriptions and a copy of our Yunnan tea handout are included. Each sampler includes aprox. 5 ounces of tea.
Every month we offer a new selection of five premium, hand-picked and expertly processed teas - from white to fermented - that are grown without pesticides. Old tree Sheng and Shou puerhs are featured. Enjoy the naturally potent health benefits of Yunnan teas and enjoy a walk on the wild side.
Brewing instructions, descriptions and a copy of our Yunnan tea handout are included. Each sampler includes aprox. 5 ounces of tea.